Winder Outdoor Power
We want to be your small engine mechanic...
Call us: 470-209-7250

Did you know that gas can go bad in as little as 30 days without a fuel treatment?
A dirty air filter can make your small enigine run bad and become hard to start.
A bad or fouled spark plug is generally caused from a dirty or clogged air filter.
Call or stop in today to get the parts you need.
Engine Oil
The engine oil is the most important fluid in your lawnmower and small engine. Oil in small engines needs to be changed at least every 25-50 hours. The viscosity of oil wears out from the high heat the small engines put out. If you change your oil more often your small engine will last much longer.

Do not run your mower or any engine without the air filter, it will kill the engine. When lifting your lawnmower on its side, always lift it with the carburetor up. A little oil Will come out, but not enough to hurt anything. If you lift your lawnmower with the carburetor down oil & gas will go everywhere and hydro lock the engine. If your air filter is made of paper the oil & gas will ruin it. If not you will have to clean your foam one.
Paper filters cannot be cleaned with water or any solvent, you can only use light compressed air to blow the dirt out. If it's very dirty, it's best to replace.
Foam filters can be cleaned with dish washing liquid and water and dried with a rag. Then very liberally, work new engine oil throughout the air filter and squeeze out excess. The oil in the filter is what traps the dirt. If your foam filter is deteriorating or coming apart replace it, it can ruin your engine.
All blades must be level or balanced before putting them back on your mower, if they aren't your lawnmower will vibrate. If your blade is bent, replace it. Do not try to straighten it. The blade must be the right blade for the lawnmower.